You have a wide range of functions to perfom with the SmartSwap, either swapping out tokens, providing liquidity or yield Farm.
To get leverage tokens to trade with, you need to have deposited a certain amount of tokens. So to get started, you go to the SmartSwap Dapp and deposit tokens in the desired token you would like to trade with.
After depositing your trading token, you can now select a pair with said token and then set your spillage and leverage settings. You get up to 100x leverage for the amount of your deposited tokens for you to trade with.
Yield Farm
When you trade with the leverage you earn more back. From your earning your leveraged tokens are automatically removed with interest and you get to keep more earnings.
Built across multiple platforms
Built on Ethereum, Binance SmartChain, & Polygon to give you the freedom to experience more inclusivity and an extra layer of security when using our platforms.

Extra layer of security
Easily exchange between your assets without giving control of your funds to anyone.

Low transaction fees
We offer you the best transaction experience with the lowest fees available.

Speed of light
Your transactions are processed at lightning-fast speed.